Motherhood: afraid of a life changing event

Bibi-Joan photo from art project about motherhood

Ask a man why he is not using his sperm or ask a woman why she is not using her uterus. It’s basically the same thing, but somehow it feels like a very loaded question to me – and many other women. I no longer panic when I get this question, but my fertility is […]

Why self-portraits shape our perspective on the female body

Bibi-Joan self-portrait sitting outside on stone

Is the nude really necessary in art? The body has been investigated by artists for centuries, but the sexualization of our bodies has turned this art form into something incomprehensible and unacceptable. But is that justified? One day I found a box with nude self-portraits of my parents Since the second year of my photography […]

The power of dialogue in art

Film still of a video made by Carlos and Bibi-Joan

Does a work of art need to be beautiful? Art can be more than that. It starts dialogues, raises questions, and connects people with different perspectives. Art has transformative power. It is important for humanity. The need for recognition is food for the ego Do you know what I like best about exhibiting? The interesting […]

The artist life

Bibi-Joan at work in nature for her project LOOK AT ME

Four years ago I decided: I’m going to devote my life to photography and art. And that is what I am doing now, every day. It’s a great journey, but not always an easy journey. Artistry is not a hobby and it is no less heavy because it is my passion. But what does it […]

Interview in Brenda Magazine

Page with interview about the work of Bibi-Joan in art magazine Brenda

In june I had an interview in the Twin issue of Brenda Magazine about my project LOOK AT ME. You can read the interview here. What does ‘Twin’ mean to you? The word ‘twin’ immediately makes you think of look-alikes. Two relatives who are born on the same day to the same mother. But if […]

Als naakt de norm zou zijn

Stel je eens voor, een wereld waarin het naakte lichaam de norm zou zijn. Iedereen die kleding aantrekt is abnormaal. Het klinkt misschien absurd, maar de angst voor het naakte lichaam is dat ook. De seksualisering van onze maatschappij heeft het naakte lichaam spannend gemaakt. Is dat wel terecht? Vrij naakt lopen mag niet zomaar […]

Hoe ik uit de kast kwam als feminist

Bibi-Joan on women's day 2019

Vandaag is het internationale vrouwendag en omdat het schijnbaar een dag is waarop de vrouw even mag ’shinen’, wil ik graag mijn diepste gevoelens met jullie delen over wat ik nou eigenlijk doe in het leven. Ik merk namelijk dat veel mensen om mij heen zich stiekem toch afvragen, waar is die Bibi nou allemaal mee […]